Product Discontinunace
In order to provide highest value to our customers, CHiL has a Product Discontinuance Process in place to maintain a strong product portfolio. This process involves the following steps:
- Portfolio review and analysis
- Discontinuance approval and implementation plan
- Customer notification
- EOL implementation
Portfolio assessment
CHiL periodically reviews its product portfolio to ensure it maintains innovative, high performance and cost effective products. To this end, some products may be discontinued and subsequent replacement products recommended to customers. The decision to discontinue a product is made after thorough technical, financial, and logistical analysis within CHiL and with customers as required.
Approval and Discontinuance implementation plan
A product identified for discontinuance requires management approval and an implementation plan is put in place once its end of life is approved. The plan details the necessary steps to be taken by operations and sales and marketing at manufacturing, distribution and customer locations.
Customer Notification
CHiL Sales and Marketing communicates the product discontinuance to customers in the form of a Product Discontinuance Notice (PDN). JESD48 is the basis for the typical notification schedule of six months for customers to place purchase orders and twelve months for delivery of the parts. CHiL assists the customer’s transition to replacement devices.
On receipt of the PDN, customers can place purchase orders per the terms and conditions of the last time buy. The required financial and logistical steps are taken and both internal and external documentation is updated as required to reflect the products end of life.
Released PDNs (access for registered users)