CHiL MultiPhase ICs Server Solutions

Servers support the growing demand for instantaneous online access of information, faster & complex computing capability and unlimited storage in all aspects of our lives. High reliability & even higher efficiency are the keys to deliver on the customer promise. Today, annual operating energy costs to power the servers and installed site cooling solution can well exceed the initial capital cost of the servers themselves. Traditional power management has given way to efficiency management to minimize system power losses in real time based on site conditions and processor demand. Voltage regulators (VR) for servers must provide precise power for high performance, state of the art microprocessors with improved system reliability, better thermals and longer MTBF than ever before.

International Rectifier's CHiL MultiPhase IC Server solutions deliver best-in-class multiphase controllers and MOSFET drivers to enable real gains in efficiency and reliability while optimizing the features, cost, and size. They offer flexibility to operate seamlessly with industry leading power semiconductors for best sever VR designs.

Multiphase Digital Power Controllers

Part# # Voltage Outputs #Phases Typical Configuration Size Pins I2C SMBus PMBus
CHL8102 2 3 2Ø+1Ø 5×5 28 yes - -
CHL8103 2 4 3Ø+1Ø 6×6 40 yes - -
CHL8104 2 5 4Ø+1Ø 6×6 40 yes - -
CHL8113 1 3 5×5 28 yes - -
CHL8112A/B 2 5 4Ø+1Ø 6×6 40 yes yes yes
CHL8314 1 4 7×7 48 - yes -
CHL8316 1 6 7×7 48 - yes -
CHL8318 1 8 8×8 56 - yes -
CHL8318-20 1 8 8×8 56 - yes -
CHL8325 A/B 2 5 4Ø+1Ø 6×6 40 yes yes yes
CHL8326 2 5 4Ø+1Ø 7×7 40 yes yes yes
CHL8328 2 8 7Ø+1Ø 8×8 56 yes yes yes

MOSFET Drivers & Power Devices

Part Number VCC V_DRIVE System Voltage Interface HS Source/ Sink [A] LS Source/ Sink [A]
CHL8500 12V 12V 5V to 12V ATL, Tristate 1.65/2.0 2.0/3.0
CHL8510 12V 4.5-12V 5V to 12V ATL, Tristate 3.0/4.0 4.0/6.0
CHL8515 5V 4.0-12V 5V to 22V ATL 2.0/2.0 2.0/4.0
CHL8550 5V 4.0-12V 5V to 22V ATL 2.0/2.0 2.0/4.0
CHL8505 5V 5V 5V to 22V ATL 1.5/1.5 1.5/3.0
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