Frequently asked questions about RSS
What is RSS?
The acronym "RSS" stands for "Really Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site Summary". An RSS feed, also known as a "news feed", is a syndicated news feed in an XML format that you can subscribe to. RSS lets online users freely subscribe to their choice of content sources across the web. Aggregation tools (personalized start pages, RSS readers) display summaries of these subscriptions, which update automatically when new information is available. RSS reduces the need for users to visit many individual websites.
What is a news feed reader?
A news feed reader, also known as a "news aggregator", is software that lets you subscribe to RSS feeds.
Why should I use a news feed reader?
Using an RSS feed reader allows you to be alerted when new articles on the topics you're interested in are available. Many feed readers will pop-up a new window when a new article is available, or are integrated into mail clients or web browsers. When you are alerted of the new article, you can click on a link that will take you directly to the article.
Where can I get an RSS feed reader?
There are many freeware and shareware readers, use this link to find RSS Readers from CNET.†
What is web syndication?
Syndication on the web means that a section of a Web site is made available for users or other sites to use. The RSS feeds on this page are an example of syndication of
How do I access International Rectifier’s RSS feeds?
After setting up the RSS reader, you are ready to receive feeds from the International Rectifier’s RSS feeds. Each feed provides feeds related to a specific section of the site. Subscribe to a feed by clicking on one of the feed link buttons at the top of this page and then copying the location (URL) from the address bar of your browser to your clipboard. Follow the instructions for your particular RSS reader, and then paste the location (URL) wherever it asks for the location of the service to which you wish to subscribe.
I have some questions or feedback for you regarding these feeds
We welcome your feedback on this feature at
Additional Important Information
International Rectifier provides RSS feeds as a free service to any individual for information purposes only. Use is restricted to non-commercial purposes only. International Rectifier does not endorse any specific RSS reader or other 3rd party application.
International Rectifier reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time and further reserves the right to request the immediate cessation of any specific use of its RSS service.
International Rectifier makes no representations, warranties or endorsement concerning use of the sites or services or that the sites will provide timely or accurate results. Any such use is at the risk of the user and International Rectifier disclaims any and all responsibility therewith. Certain third party provider software may be incompatible with operating or security systems or contain viruses or other security risks. Additionally, certain providers allow the use of personal information from users for marketing and other purposes. Users are strongly encouraged to review thoroughly the terms and conditions of use (including privacy and security terms) of each such provider and make an independent judgment as to use.
By accessing International Rectifier’s RSS feeds you are indicating your understanding and agreement with the terms and conditions above and hold harmless International Rectifier from and against any and all damages that may result from any use of any of the listed provider sites.
† By clicking on the Directory of RSS readers link you will leave the site. |